MVCC Kids’ Programs

Mantrap Valley Conservation Club Birdhouse Build

Mantrap Valley Conservation Club kids’ programs seek to enrich the conservation experience for children. The MVCC has many programs to encourage children to be aware of their natural surroundings and foster conservation of their environment.

Our kids’ programs include:

  • Birdhouse building: MVCC purchases materials to assemble kits for all third graders in Hubbard county. MVCC also volunteers to assist in bird house building at each elementary school.
  • Tree planting: MVCC purchases seedlings, packages and distributes them to all first graders in the county for Arbor Day.
  • MVCC hosts and sponsors monthly family programs on the third Friday in June, July and August. Programs feature a current environmental topic for mixed ages. The agenda includes a speaker, a kids activity and refreshments.
  • Deep Portage Camperships: Every year MVCC seeks applicants and provides funding for up to four youth to attend the Deep Portage Environmental Camp annually.

For dates and times, see the MVCC Calendar of Events.






