The name of this organization shall be Mantrap Valley Conservation Club. Mantrap Valley
Conservation Club (MVCC) shall be a duly registered, incorporated non-profit organization with
tax exempt status. The Mantrap Valley Conservation Club Auxiliary is a division of the MVCC.
The purpose of this organization shall include, but not be limited to the following:
To support and encourage the conservation and protection of our natural resources.
To foster the lawful, safe enjoyment of outdoor activities, including hunting and fishing.
To assist schools and other community groups in promoting environmental education for
our youth.
To sponsor fund-raising and social activities beneficial to the community.
Section 1. General Powers: The property, activities and business of this organization shall be
managed by The Board of Directors, with proper ratification by the membership in substantive
matters. Such ratification may occur at the annual meeting or at any monthly meeting when appropriate.
Section 2. Number: The Board of Directors shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, three Directors and one director at large from the Auxiliary.
Section 3. Terms of Office: Elections shall take place at the annual meeting of the membership.
Nominations may be submitted prior to the meeting or made from the floor.
The terms of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be three years.
In the initial election of Directors, terms shall be: Director # 1 (one year); director # 2 (two years); director # 3 (three years).
Future Directors’ terms shall be for three years, staggered so that one new director is elected each year.
Section 4. Duties of Officers and Directors: duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
President: The President shall assume general management of the organization and serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees. The President shall preside at the general meetings, the annual meeting and meetings of The Board of Directors. The President may
represent the organization, or appoint a representative to be a liaison to community groups or units of
government. However; the President may make substantive commitments or officiate this
organization with other groups only after approval of The Board of directors and ratification by a quorum of the membership.
Vice President: The Vice President shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President,
Take minutes of the meeting in absence of the Secretary, and when possible, chair special committees as needed.
Secretary: The Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings of the membership or The Board of directors; provide a copy of previous minutes to the President before each meeting; present the
minutes orally and secure their approval. In addition, the Secretary shall maintain a permanent
record of all minutes, committee reports, treasurer’s reports and pertinent correspondence;
maintain all continuing and incidental correspondence, and post notices and public announcements
of the organization in the appropriate media.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep all financial records and accounts and submit a report at each
meeting of the membership or when otherwise requested by The Board of Directors. Prepare all
records for annual audit; pay all bills promptly; manage all checking, savings, and certificate
accounts as approved by the Board of Directors; and keep current continuing obligations such as
insurance, utilities, maintenance fees, and registration with the state and local units of government.
Directors: Directors shall attend meetings of The Board of Directors, assist officers in
Implementing programs and projects of the organization, and where necessary, chair special committees. The director from the Auxiliary shall attend meetings of the Board of Directors to be a liaison between the MVCC and the MVCC Auxiliary.
Section 5. Quorum: At meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority of the Board members present shall fulfill a quorum at the transaction of business.
Section 6. Meetings: The Board of Directors shall meet before each annual meeting to establish
an agenda and prepare necessary materials. Other meetings may be scheduled by the President.
Section 7. Termination: An officer or director may be removed from office by a majority vote
of the Board of Directors. Any vacancy created by either resignation or termination shall be
filled until the next election by appointment by the President with Board approval.
Section 8. Indemnification: The Board of Directors, individually and collectively, shall be
indemnified against loss or expenses incurred as result of legal action arising out of the reasonable performance of their duties.
Section 1. Eligibility: Membership shall be open to anyone – regardless of race, color, ethnicity,
religion, disability, sex or sexual orientation.
Section 2. Annual Meetings: The annual meeting shall be conducted at a regular meeting as designated by the Board of Directors.
Business shall include election of officers, annual financial and audit report, membership report,
and plans and committee assignment for the coming year. Notification shall be sent to local
newspapers at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting.
Section 3. Committees: Special and Ad Hoc committees may be appointed at any time by the President and shall report to the membership and/or the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Regular Meetings: Meeting dates for the membership shall be scheduled at each
annual meeting. If necessary, a special meeting of the membership may be called by the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Quorum: At any regular meeting of the membership or at a special meeting called by the Board of Directors, the members in attendance shall constitute a quorum. A simple majority
Of a quorum may decide any question put to the floor. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed at all meeting; points of order shall be decided by the presiding officer.
Section 6. Dues: Dues shall be payable at or before the annual meeting. However, dues
may be paid, without pro-rating, at any time during the year and membership shall be updated
accordingly. Any changes in the annual amount shall be approved by the membership at the
annual meeting.
Section 1. Audit of Books and Accounts: All financial records and accounts shall be audited by
two members appointed by the President and completed prior to the annual meeting. The audit
report shall be presented and approved by the membership at the annual meeting. Annual paperwork required by the MVCC to maintain it’s corporate status with the state and not for profit status with the IRS shall be completed in a timely manner by the treasurer and secretary.
Section 2. Clubhouse and Grounds: Incidental upkeep of the clubhouse and grounds may be managed by the President or assigned to a committee. Bills or request for reimbursement must
Be submitted promptly to the Treasurer, and either be pre-approved by the President or approved
at the meeting when they are presented. Use of open charge accounts must be pre-approved by the President for each transaction. Major repairs or renovations must be approved by the Board of Directors and ratified by the membership.
Section 3. Range Management: All rules and schedules for the range(s) must be approved by
the Board of Directors or the general membership. The Board of Directors may appoint a Range Master and/or a range committee to supervise the use of the range and enforce rules necessary for
safe shooting.
The Board of Directors shall reserve the right to interpret and act within these by-laws in a fair
and equitable manner. Amendments may be put forward in writing by any member in good
standing. Any such amendments shall be put to a vote only at the annual meeting. Passage of an amendment shall require a two-thirds majority of the voting.